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NMIMR, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana,
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NMIMR, University of Ghana, Accra / 12th - 14th May, 2025

PamcaGH maiden conference 2025 call for abstracts

Theme :

Harnessing efforts from academia, research, public and private institutions for effective vector control in Ghana

  1. Vector control innovations/ indigenous approaches to vector control
  2. Vector Surveillance and monitoring systems
  3. Community engagement in disease control
  4. Emerging and re-emerging vector-borne challenges
  5. Modelling for effective management of vector-borne diseases
  6. One health and integrated approach to vector-borne disease control
  7. Regulatory framework for vector management

The Pan-African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA) is a professional body that brings together stakeholders in the field of mosquito vectors and vector-borne diseases control including scientists, public health professionals, vector control specialists, commercial partners dealing with mosquito control products, affected communities and other stakeholders, including students to work together and adopt best practices for the control and elimination of vector-borne diseases in Africa and worldwide.

The Ghana Chapter is organizing its maiden conference to share ideas and harness efforts from all partners for effective management of arthropods and arthropod-borne diseases in our country.

This conference will catalyze knowledge dissemination, foster collaboration, and drive  advancements in various fields as we seek to harness efforts from various fields to support prevention, control and elimination of arthropod-borne diseases such as malaria and arboviral diseases.

We are inviting researchers, scholars, industry players, policy makers, public health practitioners, students and other partners to contribute their work, share insights, and engage in meaningful dialogue duirng this conference and beyond. 

We expect to showcase innovative research findings, groundbreaking ideas, and insightful perspectives, novel product dissemination and exhibitions.

Call For Abstracts

PAMCAGH chapter conference abstracts

During the abstract submission, you will be required to indicate your preference for oral, poster or both and choose the most appropriate sub-theme for your research.

However, the scientific committee will have a final determination on both issues.

Abstracts must bear the names of authors and their affiliations, with the presenting author’s name underlined.

Names of authors (and co-authors) should be surname, followed by given names and use superscript to indicate the affiliation of authors.

e.g. Badu Kingsley1, Adomah Grace2

1Department of Theoretical & Applied Biology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

2 Department of Conservation Biology and Entomology, University of Cape Coast

No references are required in the abstract.

The email address of the corresponding author and phone numbers for feedback.

All abstracts must be a maximum of 300 words, and should be structured into: Background: which must contain the main aim of the study;

Methods: highlighting how the study was carried out;

Results: containing the main findings and

Conclusions: focused on key findings, their applications and policy implications.

Include up to five key words.

Submit Abstract

Click on the
button to submit your abstract

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